Friday, July 11, 2008


Okay, so it's pretty funny that I just started my blog and named it , "Sunny Days in AZ" yesterday, and the same day it officially POURED rain. Bobby and I were at our softball game...bottom of the 1st inning...our team is up, 5-2 already....and woosh! Rain pouring down. The clouds looked NASTY on our drive there...and for those of you that know me well, know that Dani no likey tornadoes. And yes, I know they don't have tornadoes here (except for that crazy night back in '96 that they tell me about)...BUT...scary clouds are scary clouds....and scary clouds remind Dani of where tornadoes come from back in IL and the "Terrible Tuesday" video they showed us in 2nd, I was not happy to be playing softball to begin with (oh...and seeing lighting in the clouds, and the thought of me holding an aluminum bat wasn't a fun feeling either!). Even so...I got my butt out there with minimal grumbling (right Bobby???) and was actually starting to embrace the fact that the clouds weren't going to hit us like it looked like before. That didn't last long though, because the sky started falling shortly after that. So...we actually ended up winning our game AND we got to get out of the lightning and tornadoes! Double bonus. It continued to rain here in the Valley (it's officially been AZ's monsoon season for almost a month, and the weather keeps building to this point of official downpour) the whole night...and for a lot of seriously poured rain....and I really loved it. Never thought this sun worshiper would say that...but it hasn't rained in the two months I have been it was awesome. And, it's the talk of the town when it rains here too....people can't get over it. Since it barely rains here, it's like a novelty. I seriously think I heard people somewhere in Bobby's neighborhood last night shrieking with joy in the rain....not even kidding.

I also was just looking at my sister's blog and this picture is just awesome of my niece on a 70's dress up day at dance class (that is Nikki and I's old acrobat outfit from back in the day!), so I thought I would steal it and post it here too...just to show off her cuteness....enjoy!

1 comment:

Bobby said... was a bit funny to see you react to the clouds and how you kept pointing out how dark they were, but growing up where you did I can understand the worry. I have to remember that I haven't lived in tornadoe country since '93 (trust me...I've seen my share of them). Yes it poured, yes it was cool to see, and is a big deal here when it rains...crazy Arizonians. Love you! =)