Today is Megan's 11th birthday! And although Bobby and I won't see her today (she's with her mom)...we did PLENTY of celebrating on Saturday with her. She had plenty of friends and family around to help celebrate too. I think I have mentioned before that she wanted an M&M birthday that's what she got. It was really a cute idea...but bad for the waist line! We had the party at my apartment's cabana house, which is connected to one of the pools...and that worked out very nicely. The kiddos came around 4:30pm...started swimming immediately and having fun. You can see how Bobby got involved in their pool fun in a video below too! After lots of swimming, we had pizza, did a little more swimming and then dried off for games, cake and gifts. Sticking with the M&M theme...the games were 1) guess how many M&M's are in the jar - no one came close - there were 571 and the highest guess was 415! 2) pin the M on the M&M - the girls, Bobby, and I made a green M&M out of foam and poster board earlier that week...then cut out a bunch of foam M's for the was a fun game - video and pictures below 3) hot bag of M&M's...otherwise known as "hot potato." =) After all the winners received their prizes, we sang happy birthday and had Megan blow out her candles on her M&M cake. Of course, we got waaay too much cake and ended up eating the rest of it the next day! Then, it was, oragami, and gift cards seemed to be the trend. All in all, I think Megan had a great day...and we all did too. The party actually lasted throughout the night with five girls staying with Kyndall and Megan at Bobby's that night....thank goodness I got to go back to my apartment! =)
Bobby being a kid in the pool
Megan pinning the M on the M&M
Kyndall, Megan and Kyndall's two friends Lacee and Brooke pre-party in my apartment
Nate (cousin/nephew), Kyndall, Keely (cousin/neice), Ray (uncle/Bobby's bro), Brenda (aunt/ sister-in-law) and Stefan (cousin/nephew)
Megan's friend Ashley (or Brittany???) and Megan
Megan and her birthday button and crown
AJ, Megan, Brittany (I think), Ashley (I think or vice-versa!) and Courtney
Fun in the Pool
Megan's birthday cake. Bobby and I couldn't find an M&M we ordered a "colorful" general birthday cake...and added our own M&M decor!
Unfortunately didn't get any pictures of her blowing out the this is as close as it gets!
Pin the M on the M&M Game - Courtney won!
Bobby's bro, Ray putting in his guess for the number of M&M's in the jar next to him. He was the winner!!!!!
Gift time!
Always have to have a musical birthday card nowadays!
More gifts!
All the birthday party friends - can you spot the twins? =)
Happy Birthday Megan!!! Looks like you had a lot of fun!!!
TAG!! You are it!! See my blog.
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